The Weird, Wacky, and Wonderful
An informal study of Sears houses yields some interesting finds. True, most of the homes have a "Craftsmen Bungalow" style, but there are more than a few outliers. Below, here are some of the strangest, most unique, and most interesting Sears homes. Some are beautiful, some are quirky, some are hideous. Everyone loves a good Side Show, so here they are: the Sears parade of wonders!
The Aurora (top) and the Carlton. Both were in the 1918 catalog.
Both are also DIRECT rip-offs of Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie Homes. |
The Bryant. Unusual modern appearance for a Sears house.
Only present in the 1938 and 1939 catalogs. |
The Ivanhoe, from 1912. A personal favorite--a craftsmen take on the center hall colonial. |
The Del Ray from 1922. A strangely proportioned 2-bedroom bungalow.
For some reason, this was one of the most copied Sears houses. |
The Hollywood, from 1920. A very elaborate dormer for a house without a second floor. |
No. 126, from 1912. It's squat and just....odd. |
The Springwood, from 1921. Or as I like to call to overcomplicate a Cape Cod. |
This Victorian monster only appeared in 1909. Lots of curves on this painted lady! |
The Normandy, from 1934. A split-level with a conical spire for an entrance. |
The San Jose from 1928. A five-room "Spanish" bungalow. I find that tower odd--it's nothing but wasted space! |
I enjoyed your Sears Home Parade. Want to clarify one thing. Sears Aurora and Sears Carlton were designed by noted Prairie School architect John Van Bergen.
Lara also blogged about the Sears Normandy.
Here's an example of a Sears #303
And, the Sears Hollywood was a design that Sears acquired from Los Angeles Investment Co likely architect Ernest McConnell. Interesting story/find!